How to build relevant auto generating tags recommendation model in python

How to Build a Relevant Auto Generating Tags Recommendation Model in Python One of the most important features of any blog or website is its ability to recommend relevant tags to users. This not only helps users find related content easily, but it also improves the overall user experience. In this blog post, we’ll show… Read More How to build relevant auto generating tags recommendation model in python

Why is abs(x)+abs(y) different from sqrt(x*x + y*y)

I was making a Physics Engine in C++ when I noticed that when I replace: float absDistance = sqrt(vectorDistance.x * vectorDistance.x + vectorDistance.y * vectorDistance.y); With: float absDistance = abs(vectorDistance.x) + abs(vectorDistance.y) Different things happen. I’m using the library <cmath> I looked at a lot of stack exchanges but I couldn’t find anyone saying they’re… Read More Why is abs(x)+abs(y) different from sqrt(x*x + y*y)

Elasticsearch – how do i add `boost` to `constant_score` in bodybuilder?

I have the following bodybuilder query :- bodybuilder() .orQuery(‘match_all’, {}) .orQuery(‘constant_score’, null , (qr) => { return qr.filter(‘range’, ‘stock_sum’, {gte: 1}) }) .build() Which basically generate the following (Query simulator HERE) { "query": { "bool": { "should": [ { "match_all": {} }, { "constant_score": { "filter": { "range": { "stock_sum": { "gte": 1 } }… Read More Elasticsearch – how do i add `boost` to `constant_score` in bodybuilder?

Parse over large JSON array of Objects from Facebook

This is the JSON array: { "id": "", "name": "", "posts": { "data": [ { "likes": { "data": [ ], "paging": { "cursors": { "before": "QVFIUnpFd2IwMlhuOWI3dJqelFNNEZAPWDlqeENTNkg1N2RqMm9zQXBreVV6bE9KNXJzX29LeXlMZAzhNT2x3TEhlcGk3OG1Bd3ZABRmpyTXhnNDZAWV2hR", "after": "QVFIUl9Vbm14cld0dm41OTFtKYmgtelBKall2bnBINjBQMXBiNkNCMUM0d21lQXptOXRvbklkU0pHbV9yejNBVG9Jb2hqQTFoem1mdm9zMnJn" }, "next": "" }, "summary": { "total_count": 84, "can_like": true, "has_liked": false } }, "comments": { "data": [ { "created_time": "2022-05-25T18:22:19+0000", "message": "", "id": "" }, {… Read More Parse over large JSON array of Objects from Facebook

How to convert lifetime of boxed reference without allocating a new box?

Context Playground, This works: fn get_owned_box_working<‘a>(b: Box<&’a i32>) -> Box<&’static i32> { Box::new(&42) } but this doesn’t: fn get_owned_box_broken<‘a>(b: Box<&’a i32>) -> Box<&’static i32> { *b = &42; b } error[E0308]: mismatched types –> src/ | 3 | b | ^ lifetime mismatch | = note: expected struct `Box<&’static i32>` found struct `Box<&’a i32>` note:… Read More How to convert lifetime of boxed reference without allocating a new box?

Interpret interpolated html tag as html, not string literal?

I’m trying have the HTML tag <br> interpreted as a line break, but instead it displays as a string literal in the view when I attempt this: <%= property.address_line_2 + "<br>" if property.address_line_2.present? %> I tried raw() and .html_safe but they the same effect. <%= property.address_line_2 + raw("<br>") if property.address_line_2.present? %> <%= property.address_line_2 + "<br>".html_safe… Read More Interpret interpolated html tag as html, not string literal?