Remove lowercase letters from city names to generate acronyms if the names contain multiple words on Google Sheets

City names that contain multiple words I want to become acronyms from your capital letters: Rio de Janeiro São Paulo Osnabruck Brøndby County Expected Output: R.J. S.P. Osnabruck B.C. I understand that to do this I first have to SPLIT the words with " ", remove the lowercase letters and then JOIN with ".": =IF(FIND("… Read More Remove lowercase letters from city names to generate acronyms if the names contain multiple words on Google Sheets

Is it possible to add an eventListener in a for loop, if so, how would you implement it?

For me For Loops and ForEach Loops are two of the best ways to handle and display large data. The issue is I want to add an eventListener to a loop and you immediately run into issues. Here is my code, it loops through an API Provided Array and creates HTML Divs perfectly. Near the… Read More Is it possible to add an eventListener in a for loop, if so, how would you implement it?

javascript data not appending to html webpage?

I have this simple code with 5 paramaters taken from an API that logs data: for (i = 0; i < arr.length-1; i++) { console.log(‘For Calls’) console.log(arr[i] console.log(arr[i], arr[i].goals.home) console.log(arr[i], arr[i].goals.away) } it logs this data to the console (2 sets of data shown): Logged Data The issue I am having is trying to display… Read More javascript data not appending to html webpage?

regex extract all characters between a start and end string

I have strings that looks like this. setting-bs_b77f423715d2b991-node setting-bs_b77f423715d2b991-eggs setting-bs_b77f423715d2b991-cheese setting-bs_b14835f519bf447d-ham How do I extract just the middle element? e.g. bs_b14835f519bf447dit is always the same length and always has the same bs_ prefix. I unfortunately cannot use a lookbehind for this problem, as suggested in this answer as the regex must run inside bigquery which… Read More regex extract all characters between a start and end string

opengl won't overlap more than 1 texture

I’m trying to create an opengl program that creates a 2d square, and applies 2 textures on it. I followed this tutorial: This is my fragment shader: #version 330 core //in vec3 Color; in vec2 TexCoord; out vec4 FragColor; uniform sampler2D Texture1; uniform sampler2D Texture2; void main() { FragColor = mix(texture(Texture1, TexCoord), texture(Texture2, TexCoord),… Read More opengl won't overlap more than 1 texture

retrieving first rehire and terminated dates and second rehire and termination of employee

I want to write a SQL Query to fetch 1st rehire, termination date and 2nd rehire, termination dates of employee if employee doesn’t having those dates then it will display blank(null) in result. Having table name as per_periods and date start column is contains hire/rehire date and actual termination date contains terminations dates.In image 1st&2nd… Read More retrieving first rehire and terminated dates and second rehire and termination of employee