export 'unstable_batchedUpdates' (reexported as 'unstable_batchedUpdates') was not found in 'react-dom'

I downgrades react and react-dom versions and reinstalled the latest version for both and now I get this error And this is the reactBatchedUpdates.js file >Solution : The error message you are seeing indicates that there is an issue with the React component StrictMode being used in your code. The error suggests that the findDOMNode… Read More export 'unstable_batchedUpdates' (reexported as 'unstable_batchedUpdates') was not found in 'react-dom'

React does not change input value

I am a React beginner but I did a very basic form component that does not work! It is this. What is the trouble? Maybe the value={prop.value}? ReactDOM .createRoot(document.getElementById(‘root’)) .render(<App />); function App() { const data = [ { type: ‘text’, name: ‘name’, label: ‘Name’, value: ‘Alfred’ }, { type: ‘number’, name: ‘amount’, label: ‘Amount’,… Read More React does not change input value

How to load a image path through props in react

how to load imported image path to img tag src from the component props. please help import amy from "./amy.jpg"; <AvatarProfileIcon icon="amy" /> <img src={props.icon} /> https://codesandbox.io/s/load-icon-through-props-in-img-src-9qzox5 >Solution : Try wrapping your imported image inside curly braces {} instead of double quotes "" since they are being used for strings. import amy from "./amy.jpg"; export… Read More How to load a image path through props in react

Parameter can not be passed from react route to react Component

I have tried the previous solutions but it seems that the v6 of react-dom is not working that way. I can not pass the id from the path to the component. app.js import Container from ‘react-bootstrap/Container’ import Footer from ‘./components/Footer’; import Header from ‘./components/Header’; import ‘./index.css’; import {BrowserRouter as Router, Routes, Route} from ‘react-router-dom’ import… Read More Parameter can not be passed from react route to react Component

how to execute cleanup function in useEffect() only when component unmounts

I want to clear filters only when the component unmounts. So I wrote cleanup function only in useEffect(). But as I checked it with console.log(), 1 was printed after the component mounted too. What’s wrong in this way? useEffect(() => { return () => { clearFilters(); console.log(1); }; }, []); Stack Snippet: const { useState,… Read More how to execute cleanup function in useEffect() only when component unmounts