How to test a component rendered using React.createportal?

I am using jest and react testing library. While i am trying to render the component i am not able to test it. Can you guys tell me the correct method to do it. it("Render PopUp Properly", () => { const props = { setIsOpen: jest.fn(), children: <div>Test</div>, }; const {getByTestId}= render(<Popup isOpen={true} {…props} />);… Read More How to test a component rendered using React.createportal?

Is it possible to test mousemove events attached on document in React?

I have a mousemove event attached to document. Is it possible to test it with Enzyme or RTL or any other library? The problem is that it is not a react synthetic event, so it is not triggered in tests… <div onMouseDown={handleMouseDown}>Element</div> const handleMouseDown = () => { document.addEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove); }; const handleMouseMove = ({… Read More Is it possible to test mousemove events attached on document in React?

Select box test in react tesing library

I have a select box, and i want to create a test for it, by choosing the 2nd option in the list. but i got this error Error: TestingLibraryElementError: Value "Female" not found in options <input name="gender" role="combobox"> <button class="combobox-arrow"></button> <ul role="listbox"> <li role="option" value="Male" ><span>Male</span></li> <li role="option" value="Female" ><span>Female</span></li> </ul> const inputElement = screen.getByRole("combobox",… Read More Select box test in react tesing library

Identifying component and DOM for testing library React

I have a component named Student function Student(props){ const {gradeDetails,addressDetails}=props; const [marksData,setMarksData]=useState(null); function fetchMarksData() { let url=/api/getMarks/+studentID axios .get(url) .then(output=> { setMarksData(; } } return ( <div> <label>{addressDetails.cityName}</label> <label>{marksData.marks}</label> <render other details here> </div>) } export default Student; I have created a test as follows test(‘Make sure student component renders for City testCity’,()=>{ render(<Student gradeDetails={grdDetails}… Read More Identifying component and DOM for testing library React

Error : unable to resolve dependency tree

I’m working on a React project and I wanted to install react testing library using the command npm install –save-dev @testing-library/react. But unfortunately, I’m getting the following error. Here is my package.json file : { "description": "Sample Shopping Cart to Explore using RTK", "version": "0.2.0", "scripts": { "dev": "vite", "build": "tsc && vite build", "serve":… Read More Error : unable to resolve dependency tree

Use Axios(Mock) in test environment

I’m trying to integrate axios into my test environment. So far, however, I get the error below when starting the test. I use React testing library with Jest table.test.js: import { expect, jest, test } from "@jest/globals"; import { fireEvent, render, screen } from "@testing-library/react"; import axios from "axios"; import "@testing-library/jest-dom"; jest.mock("axios", () => ({… Read More Use Axios(Mock) in test environment

how to check disabled status of input field react-test-library

I’m using @testing-library/react for react unit test. I wanna do unit test of input field’s disabled status and value. Below is dom element from chrome inspect. <input type="text" placeholder="Enter text…" aria-disabled="false" class="styles__TextInput-sc-1vdcacp-2 grIDkE" value="test"> I tried like below, but it does not work. expect(screen.getByText(‘Enter text…’)).toBeVisible(); expect(screen.getByRole(‘input’)).toBeVisible(); Please let me know how to test input field… Read More how to check disabled status of input field react-test-library

jest and react-test library (…).toBeVisible is not a function

My unit test for react component throw error even if debug print the correct result. TypeError: expect(…).toBeVisible is not a function debug(screen.getByText(‘contains’)) expect(screen.getByText(‘contains’)).toBeVisible(); this print: console.log <div class="sc-jOhDuK iDFeaX" > contains </div> I can’t figure out the reason why toBeVisible is not a function even if debug print the correct result. >Solution : You will… Read More jest and react-test library (…).toBeVisible is not a function