Flutter – redirect to dial

How can we redirect the user from the app itself to the dial and also fill the dial by the persons number ? for example if number = 073 then open the dial and fill it with 073 >Solution : You can use the url_launcher package to achieve this. Install the package from here!, then… Read More Flutter – redirect to dial

How to fix 302 redirect Scrapy?

I am trying to scrape https://howlongtobeat.com, but I keep getting 302 redirects. I found that the website is using ajax from the network monitor. My code: class HltbSpider(scrapy.Spider): name = ‘hltb’ def start_requests(self): for i in list(range(1,2)): url = f’https://howlongtobeat.com/search_results?page={i}’ payload = "queryString=&t=games&sorthead=popular&sortd=0&plat=&length_type=main&length_min=&length_max=&v=&f=&g=&detail=&randomize=0" headers = { "content-type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N)… Read More How to fix 302 redirect Scrapy?

PHP API main file

I have a question concerning an API that I am developing and I have just started asking myself the following question: As a rule, to reach the main file, you have to reach it in the following way api.domain.com/index.php/users/id/profile/… but many sites allow you to avoid calling the file index.php but put the "query" directly.… Read More PHP API main file