How could I use the "CM" region in .NET 6?

I have a .NET 6 application. I am trying to run this code: using System; using System.Text; using System.Globalization; public class Program { public static void Main() { new RegionInfo("CM"); } } I am getting this error: Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentException: The region name CM should not correspond to neutral culture; a specific culture name is… Read More How could I use the "CM" region in .NET 6?

How do I summarize tags by category in mongodb

I have a collection that is shaped like this: [ { _id: ObjectId("5d8e8c9b8f8b9b7b7a8b4567"), tags: { language: [ ‘en’ ], industries: [ ‘agency’, ‘travel’ ], countries: [ ‘ca’, ‘us’ ], regions: [ ‘north-america’ ], } }, { _id: ObjectId("5d8e8c9b8f8b9b7b7a8b4568"), tags: { language: [ ‘en’, ‘fr’ ], industries: [ ‘travel’ ], countries: [ ‘ca’ ] } },… Read More How do I summarize tags by category in mongodb

Replace country code with country with jQuery

I’d like to replace country abbreviations with country names but can’t get it to work – what am I doing wrong? HTML <div class="country"> <span class="section-label">Country/Region</span> <div>IT</div> </div> jQuery $(document).ready(function() { var text = $(".country div").html(); text = text.replace(‘CA’, ‘Canada’) text = text.replace(‘DE’, ‘Germany’) text = text.replace(‘PO’, ‘Poland’) text = text.replace(‘SG’, ‘Singapore’) text =… Read More Replace country code with country with jQuery