Why does my app give an error when I run the release APK, but not the debug APK?

I’m going to give you some context first about the functionality of my specific app. It’s an Android app programmed in Java, and it’s a B2B app for selling to representatives, so the first thing the app has is a login so that just anyone can’t access it. The problem arises when I generate the… Read More Why does my app give an error when I run the release APK, but not the debug APK?

Can std::future cause coredump without get or wait

void func() { std::future<int> fut = std::async(std::launch::async, []{ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(10)); return 8; }); return; } Let’s say that I have such a function. An object fut of std::future<int> is initialized with a std::async job, which will return an integer in the future. But the fut will be immediately released after the function func returns. Is there… Read More Can std::future cause coredump without get or wait

Python Optimize multiple if-else based on truthy value

I have following code in Python where based on a boolean flag I need to check a list count, wondering if there is a better way to code this in Python? If var_true: if len(something) > 0: logger.console (“Something found”) else: raise AssertionError(“something was not found”) If not var_true: if len(something) == 0: logger.console (“Something… Read More Python Optimize multiple if-else based on truthy value

Spring boot rest requestbody and @valid not working when object is null/empty

I am trying to apply not null validation on an attribute of my request which is instructedAmount but it is not working. I have a Spring Boot (V2.3.0.RELEASE) application with the following endpoints: @Validated public class TestController { @PostMapping(value = "/test/pay") public ResponseEntity<IPSPaymentResponse> validatePayt(@Valid @RequestBody InstantPaymentRequest instantPaymentRequest) { log.debug("start validatePayment method {}", instantPaymentRequest); …. The… Read More Spring boot rest requestbody and @valid not working when object is null/empty

Python BeautifulSoup failure to get data from a div with a certain class

I am working on a program that will scrape metacritic for info on the movie from my library and display it but in certain parts like grabbing the rating always returns nothing what am I doing wrong? from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests import os def ratingsGet(headers, movie): movie = movie.lower().replace(" ","-") detail_link="https://www.metacritic.com/movie/&quot; + movie… Read More Python BeautifulSoup failure to get data from a div with a certain class