With R, how to subset a data set based on discountinuity breaks of one variable

I am struggling to subset a data set according to one continous variable – let’s call it "Time" – starting from 1 and incrementing by 1 each line (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ..) but sometimes I get some missing values so I get some "jumps" (ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11,… Read More With R, how to subset a data set based on discountinuity breaks of one variable

How to create a sequence of numbers with repeat and increment at intervals in google sheets

I need a single cell formula to create a sequence of numbers with a limit in Google Sheets as shown in the image. 3 rows repeat the value then Increment by 5 >Solution : Use this formula, you can adjust the Sequence() and REPT(rg&",",3) parameters to your need. In this example Sequence(number_of_unique_numbers,columns,start_at,increment_by) And REPT(rg&",",Repeat_N_times) =ArrayFormula(FLATTEN(SPLIT(BYROW(SEQUENCE(3,1,5,5),… Read More How to create a sequence of numbers with repeat and increment at intervals in google sheets

Put text on top div that is inside another div

I want to put the text over the div that is containing an image and that div is inside another div that also has an image. .marioHeader { background-image: url(“resources/marioBackground.jpg”); background-size: 600px; height: 500px; background-position: bottom; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background-repeat: repeat-x; background-color: #6096ff; margin-top: 50px; text-align: center; } .title { text-align: center;… Read More Put text on top div that is inside another div

Make columns within a list in HTML/CSS

I have an unordered list in which I am displaying some objects. These objects have multiple attributes which I want to display. I made this in Python Flask and jinja. <li class="list-group-item"> <a href="link">{{candidate.name}}</a> <label id="min">Min. value:<input type="number" id="min" name="min-val" min="1" max="100"></label> <label id="max">Max. value:<input type="number" id="max" name="max-val" min="1" max="100"></label> <p id="average_rank">{{‘%0.2f’ % average_rank|float}}</p> <p… Read More Make columns within a list in HTML/CSS

Regex to not match more than one trailing slash in string

Looking for a regex to not match more than 1 occurrence of a trailing slash api/v1 /api/v1 /api/2v1/21/ /api/blah/v1/ /api/ether/v1// /api/23v1/// Expected match /api/v1 /api/2v1/21/ /api/blah/v1/ What I tried: ^\/([^?&#\s]*)(^[\/{2,}\s])$ >Solution : In the pattern that you tried, the second part of the pattern can not match, it asserts the start of the string ^… Read More Regex to not match more than one trailing slash in string

What is the relationship between the product function and the concept of permutations with repetitions?

from itertools import permutations,product,combinations_with_replacement colours = [‘r’,’g’,’b’] y = list(product(colours,repeat =2 )) x = list(combinations_with_replacement(colours,2)) print(y) print(x) I understand permutation of a set of objects is an ordering of those objects. When some of those objects are identical, the situation is transformed into permutations with repetition. >Solution : This may provide some insight: colours =… Read More What is the relationship between the product function and the concept of permutations with repetitions?

Creating HTML/Javascript Modal with dynamic text

I am learning Javascript and my project contains 3 buttons that open a modal. Everything works fine, however I want to reuse the modal and replace the modal text depending on which button is clicked. My HTML is below: <body> <button class="show-modal" id="btn-1">Show modal 1</button> <button class="show-modal" id="btn-2">Show modal 2</button> <button class="show-modal" id="btn-3">Show modal 3</button>… Read More Creating HTML/Javascript Modal with dynamic text

Dynamic top 3 and percentage total using pandas groupby

I have a dataframe like as shown below id,Name,country,amount,qty 1,ABC,USA,123,4500 1,ABC,USA,156,3210 1,BCE,USA,687,2137 1,DEF,UK,456,1236 1,ABC,nan,216,324 1,DEF,nan,12678,11241 1,nan,nan,637,213 1,BCE,nan,213,543 1,XYZ,KOREA,432,321 1,XYZ,AUS,231,321 sf = pd.read_clipboard(sep=’,’) I would like to do the below a) Get top 3 based on amount for each id and other selected columns such as Name and country. Meaning, we get top 3 based id… Read More Dynamic top 3 and percentage total using pandas groupby