How to Remove Input text after submit HTML JavaScript

I have a dialog that contains inputs, User should complete dialog inputs then click send, After that, user can open the same dialog again and complete dialog inputs. But when the user open the dialog again, input values remain as same from previous inputs, How can I remove previous input values? My Dialog: <dialog id="main-customers">… Read More How to Remove Input text after submit HTML JavaScript

setting tha data array to a initial value after editing that array

Is there a way Vue.js provides setting data array arr to the initial value, after it had being changed with methods ? I’ve changed the checkboxes and its values and now want to reset the data array to initial state. <template> <div> <h1>Example 1</h1> <div v-for="(a, i) in arr" :key="i" :checked="a" @click="toggleItem(i)" class="checkbox" > <div… Read More setting tha data array to a initial value after editing that array

Dynamic top 3 and percentage total using pandas groupby

I have a dataframe like as shown below id,Name,country,amount,qty 1,ABC,USA,123,4500 1,ABC,USA,156,3210 1,BCE,USA,687,2137 1,DEF,UK,456,1236 1,ABC,nan,216,324 1,DEF,nan,12678,11241 1,nan,nan,637,213 1,BCE,nan,213,543 1,XYZ,KOREA,432,321 1,XYZ,AUS,231,321 sf = pd.read_clipboard(sep=’,’) I would like to do the below a) Get top 3 based on amount for each id and other selected columns such as Name and country. Meaning, we get top 3 based id… Read More Dynamic top 3 and percentage total using pandas groupby