Confusion over some JSON Schema Validation

I have now spent more than a few hours on this issue and I felt that it was time to reach out for some assistance because clearly I am missing some fundamental concepts about JSON schema validation that I thought I understood. Here’s some JSON that I actually expect not to pass the validation of… Read More Confusion over some JSON Schema Validation

nest.js dto and schema for array of objectId's

I am having a nest.js DTO field contains array of ObjectId’s: @IsNotEmpty() @IsMongoId({each: true}) @ApiProperty({ example: [’63e0ec1d6eae1c8888445efb’, ’63e0ec1d6eae1c8888445efb’], description: ‘List of students’, }) public students: ObjectIdType[]; and my Nest.js Schema looks like: export class StudentForm extends Document { @Prop({ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: ‘students’ }) students: Types.ObjectId[]; } while attempts to create a record, am getting… Read More nest.js dto and schema for array of objectId's

What are differences between create database and create schema in SQL Server?

I only found out the differences between create database and create schema in MySQL. Unfortunately, I don’t use MySQL for my work. So I want to ask the differences in SQL Server. >Solution : In SQL Server, a schema is just a more granular grouping of objects that belong under a single database (so in… Read More What are differences between create database and create schema in SQL Server?

send tab layout on top

I want my tab layout to appear on top of my screen. Currently it is on the bottom on the screen. Tried a few ways didn’t work. How can I make it go on top of my screen. Code for the xml file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <FrameLayout xmlns:android="; xmlns:tools="; android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" tools:context=".kanbanManagement"> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="; xmlns:app=""&hellip; Read More send tab layout on top

I want to web scraping from website their product price and name using python and only using beautifulsoup,requests and json modules

i tried web scraping like this. I want to get price and name from product in the website. and I dont know how to extract specific script include ""product details jason inline script.""<script type="application/ld+json>" so extract all jason inline script data using beautfulsoup and I Assign it to script. and i tried to many ways… Read More I want to web scraping from website their product price and name using python and only using beautifulsoup,requests and json modules