Python: Filling a dataframe sequentially based on matching ids (inefficient code)

Tables and code at the bottom will probs help much more than description. I have a solution that works but think its very inefficient see bottom. Problem: I have two data frames df_1 and df_2 — these dataframes have a match column – match_id df_2 has a date column that I am trying to write… Read More Python: Filling a dataframe sequentially based on matching ids (inefficient code)

Python Optimize multiple if-else based on truthy value

I have following code in Python where based on a boolean flag I need to check a list count, wondering if there is a better way to code this in Python? If var_true: if len(something) > 0: logger.console (“Something found”) else: raise AssertionError(“something was not found”) If not var_true: if len(something) == 0: logger.console (“Something… Read More Python Optimize multiple if-else based on truthy value

RegEx- first character should not contain special characters and subsequent characters should not contain few special characters

I have a specific validation scenario. The first character of the string should not contain special characters which I can achieve using /^[!@#$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};’:"\\|,.<>\/?]+$/, but subsequent characters should not contain specific special characters, which are !@$%^*+=\[\]{};:\\|<>? I tried that using regex /^[!@#$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};’:"\\|,.<>\/?][!@$%^*+=\[\]{};:\\|<>?]+$/ and negating the result but its not working. I want to allow all other… Read More RegEx- first character should not contain special characters and subsequent characters should not contain few special characters

What is the relationship between the product function and the concept of permutations with repetitions?

from itertools import permutations,product,combinations_with_replacement colours = [‘r’,’g’,’b’] y = list(product(colours,repeat =2 )) x = list(combinations_with_replacement(colours,2)) print(y) print(x) I understand permutation of a set of objects is an ordering of those objects. When some of those objects are identical, the situation is transformed into permutations with repetition. >Solution : This may provide some insight: colours =… Read More What is the relationship between the product function and the concept of permutations with repetitions?

How to handle "The given header was not found" when paging records in c# API GET request?

I’m requesting data from an API that requires paging records based on a custom header called "cursor". Only 100 records may be retrieved per call and as such I’ve created a while loop to execute. The loop functions… until it doesn’t. Once all records are paged, the headers get dropped and my program errors out… Read More How to handle "The given header was not found" when paging records in c# API GET request?

Pivot_wider: Combine Duplicate Observations AND Create New Variable Columns for Those Values

I’m new to R and have scoured the site to find a solution – I’ve found lots of similar, but slightly different questions. I’m stumped. I have a dataset in this structure: SURVEY_ID CHILD_NAME CHILD_AGE Survey1 Billy 4 Survey2 Claude 12 Survey2 Maude 6 Survey2 Constance 3 Survey3 George 22 Survey4 Marjoram 14 Survey4 LeBron… Read More Pivot_wider: Combine Duplicate Observations AND Create New Variable Columns for Those Values

C++ higher order functions: different results when declaring multiple functions

I was plying with higher order functions, and I started getting different results when I created two instances and assigning them to variables. I reduced the issue to the following example: #include <iostream> using ColorGetter = int(*)(void); auto paint(const ColorGetter &f) { return [&]() { return f(); }; } int colorA() { return 10; }… Read More C++ higher order functions: different results when declaring multiple functions

Type mismatch when using map on a zipped list in Scala

Consider this code : /** Takes a list and turns it into an infinite looping stream. */ def loop(l: List[Char]): LazyList[Char] = { #:::loop(l) } /** Encodes a sequence of characters with a looped key. */ def codec(message: Seq[Char], key: Seq[Char], cipher: (Char, Char) => Char): Seq[Char] = { val loopedKey = loop(key.toList) val… Read More Type mismatch when using map on a zipped list in Scala