Using GIT_SSH_COMMAND to switch SSH key based on current working directory

I have two Github accounts (work + personal), both with their own SSH keys (key_work & key_personal) Projects live in: ~/git/work ~/git/personal I’m trying to set the GIT_SSH_COMMAND up as an environment var such that it looks at the directory the git command is called from, and picks the appropriate ssh key. So far I’ve… Read More Using GIT_SSH_COMMAND to switch SSH key based on current working directory

VSCode server unexpected "Missing GLIBC >= 2.28"

I’m connecting to a server via ssh using VSCode. The server has Ubuntu 18.04, and until yesterday night, it was working fine, however since this morning, I get the following error (checking the logs in ~/.vscode-server): Warning: Missing GLIBC >= 2.28! from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ Error: Missing required dependencies. Please refer to our FAQ for additional… Read More VSCode server unexpected "Missing GLIBC >= 2.28"

SSH specify key while ignoring the default keys

I have my SSH client config defined as follows: AddKeysToAgent yes ForwardAgent yes AddressFamily inet IdentityFile ~/.ssh/yubikey-01-res IdentityFile ~/.ssh/yubikey-05-res IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 Host IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 IdentitiesOnly yes I need default connections to traverse the yubikeys first and if unavailable- use the ed25519 key. For I need to specifically use the ed25519 key, but it… Read More SSH specify key while ignoring the default keys

Why I can't set up an SSH tunnel? Bad local forwarding specification

I sshed to my bastion host which has public IP. Now I try to set up an SSH tunnel by using the bastion host and executing the command ssh -L 4000: ec2-user@ I got Bad local forwarding specification ‘4000:’ What does that mean and how can I fix it? >Solution : You are passing a… Read More Why I can't set up an SSH tunnel? Bad local forwarding specification

Git clone with shorthand SSH URL

Trying to clone with full SSH URL, e.g., git clone ssh:// fails with permission denied (publickey), but using shorthand SSH URL, e.g., git clone works just fine. Furthermore, even doing something like the following fails: ssh-agent bash -c ‘ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_mykey_ed25519; git clone ssh://’ EDIT: I already have an entry of the following form in… Read More Git clone with shorthand SSH URL