Count occurences of substring in string

I’m trying to count the number of times a string, say AAA occurs in a longer string, say AAAA. The answer in this case is clearly 2: AAAA AAAA None of these work as I would expect: stringi::stri_count(str = "AAAA", regex = "AAA") [1] stringr::str_count(string = "AAAA", pattern = "AAA") [1] stringr::str_extract_all("AAAA", "AAA", simplify =… Read More Count occurences of substring in string

I am trying to fetch information from phpmyadmin database, but in browser it's showing cannot get/employee and in command prompt there is no error

const { json } = require(‘express/lib/response’); const mysql=require (‘mysql’); const express=require(‘express’); var app=express(); const bodyparser=require(‘body-parser’); app.use(bodyparser.json()); var mysqlConnection=mysql.createConnection({ host:’localhost’, user: ‘root’, password:”, database: ’employee_db’ }); mysqlConnection.connect((err)=>{ if(!err) { console.log("DB connection is successfull"); } else{ console.log("DB connection failed "+JSON.stringify(err,undefined,2)); } }); app.listen(8000,()=>console.log(‘Express server is running on port number: 8000’)); app.get(‘/employess’,(res,req)=>{ mysqlConnection.query(‘SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE’,(err,rows,fields)=>{ if(!err) {… Read More I am trying to fetch information from phpmyadmin database, but in browser it's showing cannot get/employee and in command prompt there is no error