how can i fix this error of my todo list? SOLVED

I have made an to do list with firebase. but when i click to create a new to do, i can’t see anything apear on my page but in firebase it does show the string. How can i fix this (this is in flutter) logcat: 2022-10-19 15:24:50.758 23369-23584 flutter com.example.voorbeeld I apen created import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’;… Read More how can i fix this error of my todo list? SOLVED

send tab layout on top

I want my tab layout to appear on top of my screen. Currently it is on the bottom on the screen. Tried a few ways didn’t work. How can I make it go on top of my screen. Code for the xml file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <FrameLayout xmlns:android="; xmlns:tools="; android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" tools:context=".kanbanManagement"> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="; xmlns:app=""&hellip; Read More send tab layout on top

error: The function can't be unconditionally invoked because it can be 'null'. with flutter

import ‘package:firebase_auth/firebase_auth.dart’; import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; import ‘package:ourchat/screens/home/chat_screen.dart’; import ‘package:ourchat/screens/welcome/welcome_screen.dart’; class LandingPage extends StatefulWidget{ @override State<LandingPage> createState() => _LandingPageState(); } class _LandingPageState extends State<LandingPage>{ late User _user; @override void initState(){ // TODO: implement initState super.initState(); _checkUser(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { if(_user == null){ return WelcomeScreen(); }else{ return HomePage(); } } Future<void> _checkUser() async{ _user =… Read More error: The function can't be unconditionally invoked because it can be 'null'. with flutter

Pandas find and replace based on column items count

I have a dataframe that looks like this import pandas as pd all_data_set = [ (‘A’,’Area1′,’AA’,’A B D E’,’A B’,’D E’), (‘B’,’Area1′,’AA’,’A B D E’,’A B’,’D E’), (‘C’,’Area2′,’BB’,’C’,’C’,’C’), (‘E’,’Area1′,’CC’,’A B D E’,’A B’,’D E’), (‘F’,’Area3′,’BB’,’F G’,’G’,’F’) ] all_df = pd.DataFrame(data = all_data_set, columns = [‘Name’,’Area’,’Type’,’Group’,’AA members’,’CC members’]) Name Area Type Group AA members CC members… Read More Pandas find and replace based on column items count

MongoDB – Group and Find Top N with condition

Consider this test collection, in which an airport is identified by AirportID: { AirportID:"1001", delayMinutes :"15.0" }, { AirportID:"1004", delayMinutes :"3.0" }, { AirportID:"1001", delayMinutes :"20.0" }, { AirportID:"1002", delayMinutes :"6.0" }, { AirportID:"1002", delayMinutes :"25.0" }, { AirportID:"1004", delayMinutes :"55.0" }, I want to group it together and list the top 2 from that… Read More MongoDB – Group and Find Top N with condition

ASP.NET Core docs show unfamiliar usage of the ? operator. What does it mean?

The ASP.NET Core minimal API docs show syntax similar to the following: db.Todos.Find(id) is Todo todo ? Results.Ok(todo) : Results.NotFound()); I believe this is a use case of the ? operator which is documented in the main C# docs. However, these docs only show the following format: condition ? consequent : alternative in which condition… Read More ASP.NET Core docs show unfamiliar usage of the ? operator. What does it mean?

Thread synchronizing – almost same expressions but different result

public class MythreadM { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Msg m = new Msg(); Mythread thread1 = new Mythread(m); thread1.start(); Mythread thread2 = new Mythread(m); thread2.start(); Mythread thread3 = new Mythread(m); thread3.start(); } } class Mythread extends Thread { private Msg m; Mythread(Msg m) { this.m = m; }… Read More Thread synchronizing – almost same expressions but different result