Uncaught TypeError: {(intermediate value)}.map is not a function"

Actual code: const genreOptions = [{{ genreOptions | json_encode | raw }}].map((type , label) => ({value: type, label: label})); Debugging code: const genreOptions = { "Horror": "Korku", "Comedy": "Komedi\u0103 Filmi", "Action": "Aksiyon", "Drama": "Drama" }.map((type,label)=>({ value: type, label: label })); Im getting the following error from above code: Uncaught TypeError: {(intermediate value)(intermediate value)(intermediate value)(intermediate value)}.map… Read More Uncaught TypeError: {(intermediate value)}.map is not a function"

Error symfony Key "" for array with keys "…" does not exist

I need some help with this error Key "dateFinValidite" for array with keys "0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22" does not exist. I use this here: {{ include(‘/Unite/inc.listUnites.html.twig’, {‘unites’: unites.dateFinValidite|filter(u => u > "now"|date(‘U’))}) }} What I want… Read More Error symfony Key "" for array with keys "…" does not exist

in twig file after split the value

in twig file after spliting the value i’m getting output like this in a browser <select class="form-control" id="eventCustomerID" name="eventCustomer"> <option value="64" name="64">64</option> <option value="demou22_6hhh" name="demou22_6hhh">demou22_6hhh</option> </select> but i need an output to be like this <select class="form-control" id="eventCustomerID" name="eventCustomer"> <option value="64" name="64">demou22_6hhh</option> </select> this is my code in a twig file <select class="form-control" id="eventCustomerID" name="eventCustomer">… Read More in twig file after split the value

How to apply a slice to a back-end generated data?

Here are my 2 datas in a <div>: <div class="NP" id="sliced">{{app.user.Firstname}}{{app.user.Lastname}}</div> I would like to slice these 2 datas so it displays the first letters of each string, in the div. Roughly, I would like to make some like: {{app.user.Firstname.slice(0,2)}}{{app.user.Lastname.slice(0,2)}} but I don’t know how to implement JS or JQUERY into these things. I tried… Read More How to apply a slice to a back-end generated data?