How to run a PowerShell cmdlet in Python to get a list of connected USB devices?

I try to list connected USB devices in my Python project. I tried to use os.system() with a command prompt but I cannot find a command for command prompt to list connected USB devices (names). I found a PowerShell command which is Get-PnpDevice -PresentOnly | Where-Object { $_. InstanceId -match ‘^USB’ } That works fine.… Read More How to run a PowerShell cmdlet in Python to get a list of connected USB devices?

jQuery HTML Singular / Plural Text based on select multiple

I’m trying to get the singular/plural for the text before the array, based on how many options are selected in the array. For example, if only one selected option, it should be Result in Category 1 if two or more are selected: Results in Category 1, Category 2, and Category 3 Working demo: $("#selectKat").change(function… Read More jQuery HTML Singular / Plural Text based on select multiple

react-native-dropdown-picker error – "onChange is not an function (In onChange(value), onChange is undefined"

Im trying to use DropDownPicker from react-native-dropdown-picker with Controllers from react-hook-form. Any ideas how to fix it? Problematic part with error code <Controller control={control} defaultValue={"Choose gender…"} name="gender" rules={{ required: true }} render={({ onChange, value, name, ref }) => ( <DropDownPicker placeholder="Select your gender" open={listOpen} setOpen={itemValue => setListOpen(itemValue)} items={listData} value={value} setValue={value => onChange(value)} /> )} />… Read More react-native-dropdown-picker error – "onChange is not an function (In onChange(value), onChange is undefined"