Why is a column going into the next row when there are only 12 columns?

I have a row with 4 columns that are each 3 wide, which adds up to the 12 that are supposed the be in a row, but for some reason the last one is still going onto a new row. Any idea how to fix this? Here’s my code: <div class=”container text-center”> <h3>Welcome to “Ender’s… Read More Why is a column going into the next row when there are only 12 columns?

The parent argument in the uvm_component constructor

I expected my_child to inherit the say_hello function from my_parent in the following code, but it did not. Can someone explain to me what exactly parent argument does? class my_parent extends uvm_component; `uvm_component_utils(my_parent); function new(string name = "my_parent", uvm_component parent); super.new(name, parent); endfunction: new function void say_hello; $display("Hello, UVM!"); endfunction: say_hello endclass: my_parent /*========================================*/ class… Read More The parent argument in the uvm_component constructor

The easiest way to read uvm_object from file given by uvm_object sprint method

While verrifying VDU(video display unit) I faced next issue. The VDU gets its settings from uvm_object class and I write thees settings into file using sprint method. Can you recommend me the best way to read this file back into uvm_object. In other words are there a methods inside UVM to read object properties back… Read More The easiest way to read uvm_object from file given by uvm_object sprint method