How do I use Vue3 + TypeScript v-model on textfield? "ERROR: Invalid assignment target"

Full Error: [plugin:vite:vue] Transform failed with 1 error: /home/projects/vue3-vite-typescript-starter-jkcbyx/src/App.vue:33:73: ERROR: Invalid assignment target "/home/projects/vue3-vite-typescript-starter-jkcbyx/src/App.vue:33:73" Invalid assignment target 31 | ? (_openBlock(), _createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_2, [ 32 | _withDirectives(_createElementVNode("textarea", { 33 | "onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = $event => (($ = $event)) | ^ 34 | }, null, 512 /* NEED_PATCH */), [ 35 | [ Here… Read More How do I use Vue3 + TypeScript v-model on textfield? "ERROR: Invalid assignment target"

Vue does not correctly remove item from vfor

I have this custom component in vue callled "dm-vehicle-spec" <dm-vehicle-spec @_handleRemoveSpec="_handleRemoveSpec" v-for="spec, index in vehicleSpecs" :key="index" :index="index" :spec="spec"></dm-vehicle-spec> which looks like the following <script> export default { props: ["spec"], data() { return { specName: null, specValue: null, } }, mounted() { if (this.spec.detail_name && this.spec.detail_value) { this.specName = this.spec.detail_name; this.specValue = this.spec.detail_value; } }, computed:… Read More Vue does not correctly remove item from vfor