How can I decide on the appropriate server to rent for my website?

I am using nodejs in the backend. Users can share photos on the site. There is role-based authorization and authorized roles can also share articles and so on. There are also content management panels for admins. I am using mysql as database. I am planning to install Nginx on the server I will buy. For… Read More How can I decide on the appropriate server to rent for my website?

AWS EC2 Instance: Web App successfully deployed but remains unreachable on the browser

I have a MERN app and I have successfully deployed it on an AWS EC2 instance. In the production environment, the app is served on port 80. So when I try to access it on the browser by entering: EC2_INSTANCE_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS:80 or EC2_INSTANCE_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS It just keeps loading until it finally reaches this state: This site can’t… Read More AWS EC2 Instance: Web App successfully deployed but remains unreachable on the browser