Is there any problem if I use two onMounted() per one component?

I have only seen examples of one onMounted() per one component. I’d like to use onMounted() for each feature. Is there any problem? MyComponent.vue <script setup> import { onMounted } from ‘vue’; // Feature A onMounted(() => { // Do something. }); // Feature B onMounted(() => { // Do something. }); </script> >Solution :… Read More Is there any problem if I use two onMounted() per one component?

Why is my bound data in a Vue 3 form not being updated when printed on the console via a function?

I have created a form component in Vue 3 where I am trying to bind a reference object to input elements and from my understanding of two-way binding and how Vue behaved for my past works, I expected any changes to affect my reference object immediately without requiring any manipulation like I would have had… Read More Why is my bound data in a Vue 3 form not being updated when printed on the console via a function?

Why is my component not reacting to the changes? Vue3

I have a child component that takes in some props to decide for a state: export interface IProps { selected?: boolean, answered?: boolean } const {selected, answered} = defineProps<IProps>() Depending on answered / selected different styles need to be applied. I tried this using computed function: // in template <div :class="cardClasses" /> // in setup… Read More Why is my component not reacting to the changes? Vue3

How to create a SetTimeout for a message alert component in Vue 3 Composition API?

I am getting started with Vue. I am struggling to create a SetTimeout for a message alert component. My component looks like this: <script> export default { name: "Message", props: { msg: String } } </script> <template> <div class="alert alert-success mb-2 col-span-3 text-white font-medium">{{ msg }}</div> </template> And I’m passing the message through props and… Read More How to create a SetTimeout for a message alert component in Vue 3 Composition API?

Vue Computed Value Filter (script setup)

I can’t find anything relevant online. The relevant answers online dont use the tag. Does it even work with script setup? <template> <div class="bg-white md:container md:mx-auto w-10"> <ul class="flex flex-wrap p-2 justify-center bg-black text-white"> <li class="p-2"> <a href=""> Filter </a> </li> <li class="p-2"> <a href=""> Search </a> </li> </ul> <div class="flex flex-wrap justify-center h-52 content-center">… Read More Vue Computed Value Filter (script setup)

How can I access context from a <script setup> tag in vue3?

Previously I used the standard < script > tag with the setup function within it: <script> import { ref } from ‘vue’ import useLogin from ‘../composables/useLogin’ const email = ref(”) const password = ref(”) export default { setup(props, context){ const {error, login} = useLogin() const handleLoginSubmit = async () => { await login(email.value, password.value) if(!error.value){… Read More How can I access context from a <script setup> tag in vue3?

Vue – Why setup with reactive when you can do it easily with data option?

I am currently building a login for a Vue app. In a tutorial (02/2021) I see that the colleague creates a setup method and imports a Vue reactive object into the component. Just to collect the form data! Can’t this just be done with the data method? HTML / Login Component <template> <form action="/action_page.php" method="post">… Read More Vue – Why setup with reactive when you can do it easily with data option?