Cannot access struct field when using Borrow constraint

Why I cannot access path field? Can I do something with that?

use std::borrow::Borrow;

struct Node{
    path: String,

fn foo<T: Borrow<Node>>(a: T) {
    let x = a.path;

fn main(){
    let mut i = 5;
    let mut node = Node {path:"test".to_string()};
    foo(&mut node);
error[E0609]: no field `path` on type `T`
 --> src/
7 | fn foo<T: Borrow<Node>>(a: T) {
  |        - type parameter 'T' declared here
8 |     let x = a.path;
  |               ^^^^

code on rust playground

>Solution :

The Borrow trait does not provide any syntactical sugar, it simply defines a borrow() method that returns the &T. So getting the path field would be:


With that said, you may also be interested in the Deref trait, which does have syntactical sugar to access the field directly:

fn foo<T: Deref<Target = Node>>(a: T) {
    let x = &a.path;

See it working on the playground.

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