what can i do to find the sentence that only contains 'take'?

i want to find all the sentence with the word ‘take’ in this list (x), but one of output is ‘Own your mistakes before the Council’. What can I do if I only want the sentence containing ‘take’ instead of some words that have take inside? Thank you!!

this is my code:

x =['Own your mistakes before the Council,', "You guys know I wouldn't take you on a job you couldn't handle, right?", "Maybe just don't take Powder next time.", "You don't understand what's at stake.", 'You may take your son home, Mrs. Talis,', '- Did they take anything dangerous?', 'Do whatever it takes.', "I'll take the strongest shit you got."]
for i in x:
    if 'take'in i:

>Solution :

Add spaces around "take", so " take ", or spilt the lines and check if it contains "take". As explained by @SUTerliakov, my first suggestion won’t work all the time.

This is what the code might look like for my second suggestion.

sentences =['Own your mistakes before the Council,', "You guys know I wouldn't take you on a job you couldn't handle, right?", "Maybe just don't take Powder next time.", "You don't understand what's at stake.", 'You may take your son home, Mrs. Talis,', '- Did they take anything dangerous?', 'Do whatever it takes.', "I'll take the strongest shit you got."]

for sentence in sentences:
    words = sentence.lower().split()
    if "take" in words:

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