How to render a component for particular element in a array

I have an array, for which a component (<span>Delete</span> in my case) needs to be shown only if the array length is greater than 2 and also, not show in first two array elements but show in other elements.

array = ["One","Two","Three","Four"]
Show <span>Delete</span> in "Three" and "Four" as the array is greater than length 2.
In the above case, even if the array is greater than length 2 don’t show in first two elements ( "One" and "Two" ).


const App = () => {
  const [element, setElement] = useState(["element"]);

  return (
      { => (
          {element.length > 2 &&  <span style={{color:"red"}}>{" "}Delete</span>}

      <button onClick={() => setElement((element) => [...element, "element"])}>Add</button>

The above code shows "Delete" text in all the elements

enter image description here

instead should show only for elements after the 2nd index.

enter image description here


>Solution :

Use the index of the element you’re iterating over (the second argument in the .map callback) to check if the index is 2 or more – if so, you can show the delete, otherwise don’t show it.

const App = () => {
  const [elements, setElements] = useState(["element"]);

  return (
      {, i) => (
          {elements.length > 2 && i >= 2 && <span style={{color:"red"}}>{" "}Delete</span>}

(Because the state is an array, making its name plural makes a lot more sense than a singular element, which sounds like an array item)

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