Dynamically change class based on current index in a react component. (object.map)

I have this Object.map statement in a react component.

  instagramItems.map((item, index) => (

    <div className="row" Key={index}>
      <div onClick={() => handleClick(item, index)} className="image-block col-sm-4" style={{
        backgroundImage: "url(" + item.media_url + ")",
        backgroundPosition: 'center ',
        backgroundSize: 'cover',
        backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat'

I want to change the col-sm-X class on a div so the out put repeats this pattern.








I’m guessing I need to use the Index to calculate what I need to set the class to.

>Solution :

Yep. If it has logic behind it, i.e. "item 2, and second from last" are 8, then you can code that in.

`col-sm-${index === 1 || index === myArray.length-2 ? 8: 4}`

Or, you could have a separate array of classes if they follow no pattern and pull the loop index.

const cols = [4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 8]
const myArray.map((x, i) => <div className={cols[i]}></div>)

How you go about it is more of a developer experience kind of thing. What pattern is easiest to understand/maintain/etc

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