Can I set a variable in script equal to a value of button, than i change the variable to change this button's name

The only thing i want to do is I click a button, than the text within button change, actually i done this:

<button id='todo-button' onclick='changeToDone()'>To Do</button>
  function changeToDone() {
      let toDone = document.getElementById('todo-button');
      toDone.innerText = 'Done';

my question is I want to change the function like this:

function changeToDone() {
     let toDone = document.getElementById('todo-button');
     let text = toDone.innerText;
     text = 'Done';

but it does not work.
I just start to study js, so I want to know Is there a way achieve my second code and how.

>Solution :

This will not work. To see why you can reason about the value of text.

function changeToDone() {
     let toDone = document.getElementById('todo-button');
     let text = toDone.innerText;
     text = 'Done';

In line 3, text is set to toDone.innerText. toDone.innerText GETS (returns) a string value. text now holds this string value, not a reference to innerText. text is the string currently in innerText, not the innerText itself.

Now in line 4, text just gets assigned the value of the string 'done'. There is no reference to innerText so nothing can change there.

To actually set the inner text you have to use the setter side of toDone.innerText. Thus toDone.innerText = 'Done'; is imperative.

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