How to get REST API JavaScript fetch object value to HTML?

How can I get printed console object value to HTML?

I have JavaScript fetch code like this:

const comments = fetch("")
  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((labels) => {
    return labels.comments;

const printComments = () => {
  comments.then((number) => {

printComments() numeric object value shows correct in console, but how to show it in HTML

to <span id="comments">..</span> ?

>Solution :

With JS you can edit the DOM Hierarchy by searching for your desired Element to change.

const commentsEl = document.querySelector('.comments');
commentsEl.innerHTML = printComments();

With document.querySelector(CSS-Selector) you can search the DOM-Tree for a sufficient Element matching your Selector

We store the Element in a variable and change the Content of this Element by saving the comments in the property .innerHTML.

I’ve added a snippet demonstrating the changes below, and also changed some bits to improve your code.
As the fetch-Method is asynchronous, you’ll see fetching comments ... for a brief moment, as we change the content when the fetch finished and we got the results.

const commentsEl = document.querySelector('.comments');

// We fetch the comments as before
  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((labels) => {
    // But when we get the results, we immedietly change the contents of the comments span.
    commentsEl.innerHTML = labels.comments;
<div class="container">
  <span class="comments">Fetching comments ...</span>

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