Is there a way to shift up the y-axis in matplotplib so that zero starts from "higher up"?

I have a problem regarding the starting point of y-axis. My data has some values that are almost below zero, but i dont want my graph to show negative values. I want my y-axis values to start from zero. Can i shift up the y-axis, still starting from zero?

[Here is the current graph with plt.ylim(0, 1750)] 1

And here is without manually setting plt.ylim()

This is my first question here. I hope the pictures are showing well.

Here is the desired outcome

>Solution :

You can place the ylim as slightly negative to "shift" your yaxis down slightly below zero. So long as you set a negative bottom ylim that is not as much as the intervals of you yticks, it shouldn’t populate a negative ytick on your graph,

With a slightly smaller bottom limit:

x = np.arange(0,1000)
y = np.arange(0,1000)


enter image description here

With a bottom ylim that equals the ytick interval:

x = np.arange(0,1000)
y = np.arange(0,1000)


enter image description here

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