How can I remove the values of a column of a data set that contain specific number of digits in R using dplyr?

I have a data set that looks like this :

vec = c(989, 987, 145, 315, 8449, 9999999999000)
char = c("a","b","c","d","e","f")
df2 = tibble(vec,char);df2
# A tibble: 6 × 2
            vec char 
          <dbl> <chr>
1           989 a    
2           987 b    
3           145 c    
4           315 d    
5          8449 e    
6 9999999999000 f    

I want to remove the values from the column vector that contains more than or equal to 5 digits. Ideally I want to look like this :

1           989 a    
2           987 b    
3           145 c    
4           315 d    
5          8449 e    

How can I do this in R using dplyr ?

Any help ?

>Solution :

Use nchar in base R

subset(df2, nchar(vec) <6)

Or filter

filter(df2, nchar(vec) <6)
# A tibble: 5 × 2
    vec char 
  <dbl> <chr>
1   989 a    
2   987 b    
3   145 c    
4   315 d    
5  8449 e    

If there are decimals, convert to integer and count

filter(df2, nchar(as.integer(vec)) < 6)

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