Default value for nested dataclasses

I got the following dataclasses in Python:

class B(baseClass):

  d: float
  e: int

class A(baseClass):

  b: B
  c: str

I have this configured so that the baseClass allows to get the variables of each class from a config.json file. This file contains the following nested dictionary.

  a: {
    b: {
       "d": a_float_value
       "e": a_int_value
    c: a_string_value

But the key "b" can be an empty dict.

  a: {
    b: {}
    c: a_string_value

But how do I integrate this into my dataclasses?
I tried

class B(baseClass):

  d: float
  e: int

class A(baseClass):

  b: Optional[B] = {}
  c: str


class B(baseClass):

  d: float
  e: int

class A(baseClass):

  b: B = field(default_factory=dict)
  c: str

But this doesn’t seem to work.

>Solution :

Could you try something like this by explicitly using the field class from dataclasses:

from typing import Dict, Optional
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

class B:

  d: float
  e: int

class A:
  c: str
  b: Optional[B] = field(default_factory=dict)

obj = A(c='sds')

Output was an empty dictionary for b variable.

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