DB2 SQL forecast generation based giving as parameters end date

I have a table with activities. The columns are: activityId, nextDate, frequency.
The frequency is in months.
I need a query that will generate all the dates at which the activity will take place based on frequency (in months).
I am using DB2.

Activities table:

activityId nextDate frequency
1 03/01/2024 2

Giving parameter: 12/31/2024

Output needed:

activityId date
1 03/01/2024
1 05/01/2024
1 07/01/2024
1 09/01/2024
1 11/01/2024

>Solution :

You can do it with a recursive CTE

with activities (activityId, nextDate, frequency) as (
  values (1, date '2024-03-01', 2)
activities_this_year (activityId, firstDate, number, nextDate, frequency) as (
  select activityId, nextDate as firstDate, 1, nextDate, frequency from activities
  union all
    number + 1,
    nextDate + frequency month,
  from activities_this_year
  where nextDate + frequency month < this_year(current date) + 1 year
select activityId, nextDate from activities_this_year order by activityId, nextDate

1 2024-03-01
1 2024-05-01
1 2024-07-01
1 2024-09-01
1 2024-11-01


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