Unable to create a file with curly braces using heredoc in GitHub Actions

I want to create on the fly a golang template file in GitHub Actions. So I am doing more or less the following: – name: create the template shell: bash run: | cat <<EOF > myfile.tpl \{\{- if . \}\} \{\{- range . \}\} <h3>Target <code>{{ escapeXML .Target }}</code></h3> \{\{- if (eq (len .Vulnerabilities) 0)… Read More Unable to create a file with curly braces using heredoc in GitHub Actions

A Git command run from a GitHub workflow returns a different (wrong) result than what it returns when run locally (correctly)

After a process of trial and error, I managed to write this command that should run inside a Git repository to get the last modification date according to the last commit in the directories lib/, images/, and web/: export LAST_UPDATE=`git ls-tree -r –name-only HEAD lib/ images/ web/ | while read filename; do echo "$(git log… Read More A Git command run from a GitHub workflow returns a different (wrong) result than what it returns when run locally (correctly)

Composite github action, add binary to path

This is my github action o0th/get-version name: get-version description: Get version from Cargo.toml runs: using: composite steps: – shell: bash run: | curl -SLO https://github.com/o0th/get-version/releases/download/0.2.0/get-version chmod +x get-version # mv to bin? My intent is to write a github action that download a binary and make it available to others: — name: testing on: push:… Read More Composite github action, add binary to path

Could not open requirements file in github actions

I am trying to setup a github workflow (first time) but keep getting this error /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.12/x64/bin/python -m pip install -r requirements.txt ERROR: Could not open requirements file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘requirements.txt’ Error: ERROR: Action failed during dependency installation attempt with error: The process ‘/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.12/x64/bin/python’ failed with exit code 1 you can… Read More Could not open requirements file in github actions

Substitution of environment variables not working in GitHub Actions

I have the following steps – name: create the template for mdm file shell: bash run: | cat > mdm.xml.template <<EOF <dict> <key>organization</key> <string>myorg</string> <key>auth_client_id</key> <string>${CLIENT_ID}</string> <key>auth_client_secret</key> <string>${CLIENT_SECRET}</string> </dict> EOF – name: create the actual template file shell: bash env: CLIENT_ID: FOO CLIENT_SECRET: BAR run: | envsubst < mdm.xml.template > mdm.xml mkdir -p /var/lib/cloudflare-warp sudo… Read More Substitution of environment variables not working in GitHub Actions