can github composite action inputs use self inputs as default values?

does this work? name: "test" description: "test" inputs: a: description: "Description of a" required: false default: ${{ inputs.b }} b: description: "Description of b" runs: using: "composite" steps: – name: docker-login-build-push run: | echo {{ inputs.a }} echo {{ inputs.b }} shell: bash I want if the value of a is not set the value… Read More can github composite action inputs use self inputs as default values?

Github Actions fails to compile React build during deployment to Azure Web Apps

The application I’m working on uses React, NodeJS and Express. I’ve successfully setup an Azure Web Apps and connected it to the application repository on Github, so whenever I commit a change it’ll be deployed at the same time. But so far the deployment hasn’t been successful. Whenever the workflow reaches the npm run build… Read More Github Actions fails to compile React build during deployment to Azure Web Apps

github actions/checkout@v3 will delete unwatched file on the server

I’m using github action to auto deploy to unbuntu digitalocean server. my yaml file name: Continuous Deployment on: push: branches: – main jobs: deployment: runs-on: self-hosted steps: – name: Checkout main branch uses: actions/checkout@v3 – name: Setup Node.js uses: actions/setup-node@v3 with: node-version: ’16.x’ – name: Install dependencies run: npm ci – name: Restart server run:… Read More github actions/checkout@v3 will delete unwatched file on the server

Update GitHub Action from set-output to GITHUB_OUTPUT

I have tried everything I can thing of for variations of this and have not been able to find the right syntax. I have a GitHub Actions workflow that currently has this step: steps: – name: Parse Assignee Properties id: assignee_properties uses: actions/github-script@v6 with: script: | const assignees = context.payload.issue.assignees; const assigneeStrings = =>… Read More Update GitHub Action from set-output to GITHUB_OUTPUT

How can I auto-generate a release note and create a release using Github Actions

I am trying to create a Github Action job that will automatically generate a release note and create a release based on that note. I have found an action called "actions/create-release", but it is only good for creating the release, and does not provide a way to automatically generate the release note. – name: Create-Release… Read More How can I auto-generate a release note and create a release using Github Actions

GitHub Actions completes job as success even it receives non-zero exit code

I made my test.bat to be executed from GitHub Actions. The issue I have is that GitHub Actions completes job as success even it receives non-zero exit code from the test.bat. Here is the YAML file for GitHub Actions. jobs: run_test: runs-on: [self-hosted,Windows] steps: – run: ./test.bat Here is the test.bat file that executes test.… Read More GitHub Actions completes job as success even it receives non-zero exit code

Github Workflows: Changing or specifying environment variables in matrix jobs

How do I specify or change an environment variable as part of a job matrix? For example, here I want my job to echo "Two" and "Three" instead of "One", but github completely ignores the definition or change of the environment variable in the matrix: name: test-test-test on: push: branches: [ main, develop ] pull_request:… Read More Github Workflows: Changing or specifying environment variables in matrix jobs

Path outside the build context error when building container in Github Actions

I have a .Net multi-project solution that I’m containerizing and I’m trying to automate the build with Github Actions. This is a simplified overview of my file structure: repo/ ├── Solution.sln └── src/ ├── Core/ │ └── Project.Domain/ │ └── Project.Domain.csproj └── Presentation/ └── Project.API/ ├── Project.API.csproj └── Dockerfile The API project depends on the… Read More Path outside the build context error when building container in Github Actions

botocore.exceptions.NoRegionError: You must specify a region. GitHub Actions with CI/CD Pipeline with AWS

I am trying to reproduce, step-by-step, the instructions on this video "Cloud Resume Challenge Sprint (Sept, 2022) – Week 4" from youtube,, on how to setup GitHub Actions with CD/CI pipeline for Backend testing with Python for SAM Deployment in AWS. I have followed the video’s instructions, step-by-step; however, when I push my mail.yml… Read More botocore.exceptions.NoRegionError: You must specify a region. GitHub Actions with CI/CD Pipeline with AWS