how can I make each <tr> clickable in php?

i have the following code in php using laravel blade which allows me to get all the days of the current month as a table , I want to make each "" clickable with php , im not sure if thats possible. <table class="table-bordered"> <tbody> @php $date = date(‘F Y’);//Current Month Year $row_count=0; $col_count=0; while… Read More how can I make each <tr> clickable in php?

How to get the name of each array as you loop through an array of arrays php

I have an array of arrays as so: $bookPages = array( "page-1-name" => array( "page_title" => "Search results", "page_name" => "search" ) , "page-2-name" => array( "page_title" => "Front Cover | HCDP", "page_name" => "cover" ) ) I am looping through to get the content each array like the "page_title" using a foreach. foreach (… Read More How to get the name of each array as you loop through an array of arrays php

Using isset on !$myvar['var']

I’m currently working through a large number of warnings I have logged after my server was updated to PHP 8. One particular point that has me scratching my head is the following code block if (!$option[‘type’] || $option[‘type’] == "select") { $output .= ‘<b>’.$option[‘title’].’:</b>’; } I know that I can use isset($option[‘type’]) like this isset($option[‘type’])… Read More Using isset on !$myvar['var']

Change background color of combined plots in ggpubr::ggarrange

I can’t figure out why the bottom corners background is white, while the rest of the plot is grey. Is there anyway I can change the bottom corners color to the same background as the rest of the plot? The code im using for each plot is: HP_specifikationer_model1 <- ggplot(Svar_spec_data)+geom_hline(yintercept=0) geom_line(aes(y=HP1, x=kvartaler, color = "HP-BNP-KRE-REN"))… Read More Change background color of combined plots in ggpubr::ggarrange