Create an instance of org.springframework.kafka.listener.adapter.RecordFilterStrategy using SPEL

I’m having a difficulty understanding how to configure the following. Since spring-kafka:2.8.4 thee KafkaListener interface can be configured with a filter which will be applied to all incoming messages, the Javadoc for the filter method: /** * Set an {@link org.springframework.kafka.listener.adapter.RecordFilterStrategy} bean * name to override the strategy configured on the container factory. If a… Read More Create an instance of org.springframework.kafka.listener.adapter.RecordFilterStrategy using SPEL

Spring Boot Spel expression concatenate variables and convert them to lower case?

Consider this method signature that I have @Cacheable( key="#name+’::’+#age+’::’+#country" ) public User validate(String name, String age, String country) { … } Notice the key that I have. Currently I am able to concatenate the name, age and country variables. But on top of concatenating them, I also want to convert the entire expression into a… Read More Spring Boot Spel expression concatenate variables and convert them to lower case?