Spring Boot Spel expression concatenate variables and convert them to lower case?

Consider this method signature that I have

public User validate(String name, String age, String country) {

Notice the key that I have. Currently I am able to concatenate the name, age and country variables. But on top of concatenating them, I also want to convert the entire expression into a lowercase value.

For example if someone called this method like so: validate("John","24","USA"),

then I want my key to be resolved as: john::24::usa. Notice all the uppercase letters have become lowercase.

TLDR; how to write a spel expression which concatenates multiple variables and converts the entire result into lowercase?

>Solution :

Expression exp = new SpelExpressionParser()
    .parseExpression("(#foo + '::' + #bar).toLowerCase()");
StandardEvaluationContext ctx = new StandardEvaluationContext();
ctx.setVariable("foo", "XXX");
ctx.setVariable("bar", "YYY");

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